How to measure ring and bracelet size

Meranie ve?kosti prste?a alebo náramku je jednoduché a mô?e? to urobi? aj doma. S presným meraním bude? ma? istotu, ?e ?perk bude pohodlný a bude dobre sedie?. Tu je podrobný návod, ktorý ?a krok za krokom prevedie procesom merania ? a pridávam aj zopár tipov, ktoré...

How to take care of gold plated brass jewelry

If we omit the reason for gilding brass jewelry to look like gold, they are gilded to last beautifully longer. Brass is a beautiful metal in itself, but it oxidizes and turnd green and black in contact with air. For example, if we just touch a polished brass surface...

Jewelry that cause allergy

Nickel is a metal that causes one of today’s most typical skin allergies. One tenth of the population is allergic to it, mainly due to repeated exposure to high doses. Nickel can be found in larger quantities, for example in telephones, coins, zippers, spectacle frames...