Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What materials are your jewelry made from?
Currently, we create jewelry from 925/1000 sterling silver. This means the jewelry consists of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper and other metals. Copper is added to silver because pure silver is softer, less durable, and more prone to scratching. For gold plating, we use fine 18K gold, which has a less intense gold color than 24K but is more resistant to scratching.
How long does gold plating last?
We gold-plate our silver jewelry using the electroplating method, where a thin layer of gold is applied to the silver via an electric current. While gold does not react with the environment, the underlying silver may still react with humidity, chemicals, sweat, or even the gold itself.
To prevent degradation of the plating, we recommend:
Avoiding contact with water and chemicals.
Storing jewellery in a dry place.
The biggest issue with gold plating is mechanical wear and tear. The more you wear the jewellery, the faster the gold layer may wear off. For this reason, we do not recommend sleeping in gold-plated jewellery or wearing it alongside other metal items that might cause friction. Gold plating is not recommended for rings, which are more prone to wear.
Please get in touch with us if you think your plating has worn off too quickly. Some jewellers offer gold plating restoration services.
Where and how is your jewellery made?
All of our jewellery is handmade in a small workshop in Orava, Slovakia. Each piece is 100% our original design, and we handle the entire process—from design to polishing and hallmarking—ourselves. Currently, we are the only jewellery makers in Slovakia specialising in creating jewellery through parametric modelling. Unlike traditional digital design, we use parameters—visually programming the jewellery, 3D printing, casting, and finishing each piece by hand.
Where do you source your materials?
We strive to recycle previously used silver, and we are happy to use your old silver jewellery if possible. However, this is not always feasible due to added solder, which contains other metals that can cause issues during the casting process. In such cases, the silver needs to be refined. We purchase 925 sterling silver from suppliers who certify that their silver is 100% recycled.
Are other surface finishes available?
Yes, we can offer rose gold plating and palladium plating.
Palladium has a slightly greyer tone compared to silver and is non-reactive, meaning it does not tarnish.
At present, we do not offer rhodium plating.
Our jewellery typically has a semi-gloss finish, unless stated otherwise. This is because, while mirror-polished jewellery can be visually striking, it is prone to scratching during daily wear, which diminishes its shine over time. Semi-gloss finishes are also easier to maintain. If you are interested in a mirror-polished, satin, or sandblasted finish, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Is your jewellery hypoallergenic?
Sterling silver 925 is generally considered safe and suitable for sensitive skin. Pure silver itself is hypoallergenic, meaning it does not cause allergic reactions for most people. The 7.5% alloy in sterling silver typically includes copper, which is usually well-tolerated. However, some alloys may contain trace amounts of nickel or other metals that could trigger allergic reactions. While the sterling silver we use should not contain nickel, we cannot guarantee this 100%. If you know you have a nickel allergy, we recommend opting for gold-plated jewellery or requesting jewellery made from pure or fine silver.
Can jewellery be made from other materials?
Yes, we can also create jewellery from 585 (14K) gold or 750 (18K) gold.
Gold is approximately twice as dense as silver, so 585 gold jewellery will be 30% heavier than its silver equivalent, and 750 gold jewellery will be about 50% heavier.
The price of such pieces is typically 5 to 10 times higher than that of silver jewellery.
How long do your products last, and how should they be cared for?
We strive to make our jewellery as high-quality and precise as possible and are always improving our techniques. It is very important to us that you are satisfied with your jewellery. If it ever breaks or becomes damaged, please contact us. For more detailed information, please refer to our article How to Care for Silver Jewellery.
Why don’t you make jewellery from brass anymore?
We have chosen to focus on creating jewellery from silver and gold. Brass is a wonderful material to work with, but over time it naturally oxidises, which many people find unappealing. This is why brass is often gold-plated. While industrial methods can preserve this plating for a longer period, it is not feasible in small-scale settings. We were not satisfied with how long our brass jewellery maintained its original appearance, so we decided to focus on being more authentic and truthful in working with materials.
Are your products hallmarked?
Yes, all our jewellery is properly hallmarked, as required by Slovak hallmarking laws.
Silver jewellery over 2 g must bear a hallmark and the manufacturer’s responsibility mark. Our responsibility mark is M|T.
Silver jewellery under 2 g must only bear the fineness mark (925).
How and where do you ship your jewellery?
We ship jewellery within Slovakia and internationally via:
Registered mail (second class) through Slovak Post.
Packeta (formerly Zásielkovňa) or courier services.
Ako sú ?perky zabalené?
Ka?dý ?perk je zabalený v dar?ekovej krabi?ke s na?ím logom. Odosielame ich v papierovej krabici, ktorá zabezpe?í bezpe?né doru?enie.
Je mo?ný osobný odber?
Áno, ak máte cestu na Oravu, mô?ete si ?perky po predchádzajúcom dohovore vyzdvihnú? priamo v na?ej dielni v obci Lokca.
Ak vám produkt nesadne alebo ho budete chcie? z iného dôvodu vráti?, je to mo?né?
Produkty skladom máte mo?nos? vráti? do 14 dní od prijatia balíka bez udania dôvodu. Pred vrátením tovaru nás v?ak kontaktujte vnútornou po?tou a informujte nás o tejto situácii. Po obdr?aní balíka vám do 14 dní vrátime peniaze za tovar. Pri vrátení po?tovné hradí kupujúci.
Hoci máte právo vráti? produkt bez udania dôvodu, pote?í nás va?a spätná väzba, aby sme mohli skvalitni? na?e slu?by.
Po tom, ?o nás kontaktujete so ?iados?ou o vrátenie, napí?eme vám, ako postupova?. Balí?ek po?lite doporu?ene na adresu:
Monika Tomulcová, Vy?ný koniec 64/14, 02951 Lokca.
Ako postupova? pri reklamácii?
Ak sa vám produkt po?kodí, kontaktujte nás a opí?te problém. Ideálne je prilo?i? fotografie po?kodenia. Následne sa dohodneme na ?al?om postupe ? oprave, výmene alebo inej forme rie?enia.
Je mo?né vybra? si len z ponuky v galérii, alebo je mo?ná aj výroba na mieru?
Ak nám to kapacita dovolí, radi vám vyrobíme ?perk na mieru. Kontaktujte nás a dohodneme podrobnosti.
Ako funguje výroba na mieru?
Ak máte záujem o ?perk na mieru, napí?te nám svoju predstavu a po?adovaný termín doru?enia. Na základe toho posúdime, ?i je to v na?ich silách. Ideálne je ma? na celý proces výroby aspo? jeden mesiac.
Dohodneme si s vami termín výroby a preberieme v?etky detaily oh?adom va?ej predstavy.
Vopred vám pripravíme pribli?nú cenovú kalkuláciu.
Po odsúhlasení zaplatíte zálohu.
Po dokon?ení ?perku vám za?leme fotografie na zhodnotenie.
Ak budete spokojní, dohodneme platbu, doru?enie a ?perk vám za?leme.
Na ?o slú?i poplatok za výrobu na mieru?
Poplatok slú?i na pokrytie ?asti nákladov za ?as venovaný príprave, návrhu a výrobe ?perku, ako aj za pou?itý materiál. Tento poplatok je potrebný, aby sme mohli s istotou pristúpi? k tvorbe vá?ho jedine?ného ?perku, aj keby ste sa nakoniec rozhodli, ?e o hotový produkt nemáte záujem.
Vý?ka poplatku sa odvíja od predpokladanej hodnoty objednávky. Poplatok je splatný vopred a je nevratný.
Dá sa produkt vyrobený na mieru vráti??
Produkty vyrobené na mieru pod?a va?ich ?pecifických po?iadaviek, ?ia?, nie je mo?né vráti?, ?o vyplýva aj zo zákonných podmienok. Ke??e tieto ?perky sú prispôsobené presne va?im predstavám, stávajú sa nepredajnými pre iných. Ak v?ak po doru?ení nebudete úplne spokojní, radi ?perk upravíme alebo sa pokúsime nájs? iné rie?enie, ktoré vám bude vyhovova?. Va?a spokojnos? je pre nás prioritou!
Ak si zákazník nájde na internete ur?itý produkt, vieme mu vyhotovi? rovnaký?
Nikdy nerobíme kópie iných zna?iek, preto?e re?pektujeme autorské práva a tvorbu iných umelcov. Ak si zákazník nájde na Instagrame, Googli ?i Pintereste nejaký produkt, vieme sa ním in?pirova?, no identický produkt nevyrobíme.
Ak si v galérii nájde zákazník napríklad prste? a chce k nemu doladi? náramok, náhrdelník ?i náu?nice, je to mo?né? Ide o výrobu na mieru?
Áno, ak vás nie?o z na?ej ponuky zaujme, vieme vám k vybranému produktu vyrobi? zvy?ok setu v rovnakom dizajne. Ke??e v?ak pôjde o výrobu na mieru, takéto produkty nie je mo?né vráti?.