If we omit the reason for gilding brass jewelry to look like gold, they are gilded to last beautifully longer. Brass is a beautiful metal in itself, but it oxidizes and turnd green and black in contact with air. For example, if we just touch a polished brass surface, we will leave fingerprints, that would have to be polished. At the same time, brass contains 50 to 90% copper, that can turns the skin green, so untreated brass is not that suitable for direct contact with ear. The resulting oxides are not harmful in any way, but it is not something we would look for.

With a fine layer of gold, we create a protective layer on the jewelry, which prevents oxidation. As we use electroplating, this layer gradually rubs off during intensive use of the jewelery and the brass is exposed. Although these two colors are very similar, oxidation of brass can show defects on the surface of the jewelry. We can always have the jewelry re-plated, for example, in a goldsmith's shop

Typically, we should avoid creams, which are very damaging to the plated layer. Especially when creaming your hands, rings should be put down. We also do not put on jewelry until all our products are absorbed.

Manipulation with jewelry

Jewelry is soldered with silver solder. Such joints are very strong but also prone to breakage when bent. Therefore, if you need to adjust the jewelry slightly or it is deformed slightly during wearing, the wire can be bend easily back but avoid bending the joint area - you will know this place as there is larger amount of material. Our creation is often very delicate, trying for thin lines, if, for example, a part of the jewelry breaks off during wearing, be sure to contact us, We will be happy to repair such jewelry for you.


Brass jewelry is not suitable for storage where there is higher humidity, for example in the bathroom. When the jewelry gets wet, we should always dry it. Do not leave it lying in its own pool of water. It is ideal to store the jewelry in a jewelry box where the humidity is reduced.

Maintenance and polishing

If the plated layer is intact, the jewelry can be gently polished with a fine cloth, but we should not polish too much as we only sand the layer of gold. Gold in itself does not oxidize so its maintenance is minimal. We do not use any acids or bases such as vinegar or baking soda. Wash under running water, with a little detergent. You can also use a soft brush.

Plating on jewelry disappears faster at skin contact places. These jewelry are mainly rings and hooks of earrings. If we have non-gold-plated jewelery or jewelery on which the plating has already wear off and we are bothered by the greening of the skin, we can paint the contact places on the jewelery with transparent nail polish. This is one of the alternatives to plating of the jewelry. However, the green copper oxide itself is not dangerous and can be washed easily with water.